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The lunch will be at one of De Niro’s New York restaurants and the lot includes a piece of art by a painting by his father Robert De Niro Sr., a celebrated abstract expressionist painter.Īnother guest paid 1.2 million euros ($1,288,860) for an exclusive evening with tenor Andrea Bocelli and his family only to have his bid matched by another guest for another 1.2 million euros and a 2nd evening was offered by the family. Ricky Martin opened the proceedings with a lively medley of his hits and as guests tucked into dinner the bidding started on a selection of once in a lifetime experiences up for auction.ĭe Niro kicked off the bidding on the lunch with him and by the time it was over, 500,000 euros ($537,025) had been raised to support amfAR’s AIDS research efforts. Cara Delevingne, Casey Affleck, Cynthia Erivo, Diplo, Edgar Ramirez, Eva Longoria, Milla Jovovich, Vanessa Hudgens, Elsa Hosk, Jourdan Dunn and Winnie Harlow were also among the guests. Tom Hanks who stars in the new “Elvis” movie from Baz Luhrmann attended with the director.

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